I know it has been such a long time since I updated this blog and over the last few weeks I have spent more and more time thinking about it. And then it struck me. I didn’t believe that anything happening to me was pertinent to the central topic of the blog – Child Sexual Abuse. My life has changed so much in the last year as to be almost unrecognisable. And that is such a good thing.
But then I realised that underneath it all the effects of what happened to me are still there, just manifesting differently. My journey to becoming a whole person is not finished and in fact, I have only really just started.
Yes, I do believe that I have now moved from being a Victim to a Survivor. Deep down what happened to me is no longer in control of my life and my decisions, but rather, it is now a factor that influences my perspective on life. I’m not saying that the abuse and it’s effects are behind me, but rather that they are no longer the central and driving force in my life. I have wrested control away from Alex and put him into a place that is more appropriate.
So really, I have come to the realisation that this blog is actually about the journey, rather than the event that sent my life careening off in a new direction. For anyone else who has been through this type of abuse, maybe sharing my experiences and feelings, I can give them not only the strength to keep going, but also that feeling that they are not alone in their fight to survive.
And who knows, maybe in time I will have shared my journey not only from being a Victim to a Survivor but taking my life a step further to being a Thriver!