
I am a voracious reader and lately have been reading books written by other survivors.  Not just survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, but any type of Child Abuse.  As I was reading my latest discover, I found that a lot of what the author said resonated with me and clearly reflected emotions and thoughts that I have experienced.  So, I have added this page to record them and will add new quotes as I come across them.

"At the core of my soul, I hated myself more than anybody or anything.  I came to believe that everything that happened to me was my own fault because I had let it go on for so long.  I wanted what others had, but saw no way to get it, so I hated them for having it.  I wanted to be strong, but inside I knew I was a wimp!  I never had the courage to stand up to Her, so I knew I deserved whatever happened to me.”  - from A Child Called ‘It’ by Dave Pelzer

“No, it’s wrong.  I have to know.  I have to find out.  If I don’t deal with this, all I’m doing is hiding ‘the secret’ like everyone else, and if I do that, then what’s to say I don’t become like her or like my dad?  Something made them the way they are.  Things do happen for a reason.  I want to understand; I want to know.  And if I don’t find out and do something, who will? .......  The problem’s not going to go away by turning our backs or sweeping it under the carpet anymore.  Every day things happen, and everyone acts as if nothing’s wrong.  No one wants to talk about things, let alone deal with the consequences afterward.  It’s wrong, and it’s about time to take a stand.”  - from A Child Called ‘It’ by Dave Pelzer