Saturday, 24 November 2012

Musings and ramblings

Who would have thought that coming to work in a war zone would introduce me to other Survivors!!  It seems so strange to me that I came out here to help myself heal and whilst that has happened, I have also met up with other Survivors and have been able to help them on their path to recovery.

It was not something that even crossed my mind when I applied for this job and when I shared my blog on Facebook I never thought that any of my new friends and colleagues would be affected by my posts.  Yet this is exactly what has happened.

The first approach was not a complete surprise if I am honest.  I had already got to know the person involved, but had never been in the situation where I was able to question them about their past.  But I just got that feeling.  Something like recognising parts of myself in someone else and knowing where those parts originated and how they came about.  The revelation that this person was also a Victim raised mixed feelings in me of course.  Firstly sadness that here was another person who’d had their childhood stolen, then happiness that my blog had given them the strength they needed to talk about what had happened to them.  Because being able to share our pain is really important.  We all experience it differently, but it is nice to know we aren’t alone.

The second person was a shock at first, but once I had reflected on it, so much made sense.  Isn’t it funny how sometimes things are staring us straight in the face, but for whatever reason, we just don’t see it.

But since then, I have become firm friends with both of these people and it has only added to my belief that I really am helping by working out here.  Maybe not in any big ways, but a little at a time.  And my determination to keep working on this blog has been reinforced.

So, to those who follow it, I am sorry that I have been so erratic in my postings over the last few months.  My new environment has been very distracting and I admit, that as I have healed myself, I haven’t felt the need to post as strongly as I did before.  But I can now see how selfish that is and will make every effort to mend my ways.  My healing continues, and hopefully by sharing it with you I can reach out to others who will be helped by my ramblings.