Well, I have finally come to a decision. Over the last few weeks, months even, I have
been debating ending off this blog and starting a new one to mark the new
chapter in my life. Then it finally
struck me – this is a new chapter, not a new book! Who I am now and what I do is directly as a
result of who I was and what I have been through. It is, in fact, all part of the same journey.
So, here goes. This is
the beginning of a new part of 33 years later.
More appropriately I suppose it is in fact 35 years later, but that is
merely numbers. I am still the same
person in many ways and all that I am is wrapped up in my past. To those who read my blog with an interest in
understanding or sharing my past, I am sorry.
There will probably be references to that past, but my mindset now is
more about moving on and the future and this is what I intend to share.
First of all though, some explanation. Because of where I work and who I work for, I
will have to change certain facts.
Basically, I work in a shop in a war zone. I cannot name where nor can I name my
employers, but I’m pretty sure many will work it out for themselves. But rest assured, none of the information
that I share will in any way endanger those around me. I will be extremely careful about that. Where I refer to specific people and
incidents, I will make minor cosmetic changes to protect identities, but I will
not dramatise or enhance events for effect.
Some incidents I describe may be sad, some happy, but I hope
overall that what I will build is a picture of how my life has moved on and who
I have become. And it is all thanks to