Finally, I find myself looking forward more than backwards. And at this point in my life that is a really good thing. My journey to discover who I am and what I actually have to offer to those around me has reached a point where I can actually see ahead and not hang on to the past.
A new chapter!! It's only months away!! And strangely enough I am not nervous, just excited. I will be leaving a life that I have lived for three years, a lifestyle to which I have adjusted and become accustomed. The reality is that what I am going 'home' too is now unfamiliar. Social interactions will take place on an entirely different level and everyone's priorities will be worlds away from what I have become used to.
And the eager anticipation I am feeling shows me, more than anything else, how far I have come. I believe now that I can achieve anything I set my mind and heart on. I know that I have a place in the world and a unique contribution to make. Instead of the experiences from my early childhood feeling like a burden, they now feel like something I can learn from and draw on to help others. I know that not everyone who went through what I did will react in the same way that I did, but I also know that there are so many similarities that I would have an advantage over others who rely entirely on book learning.
I can't say that I am going to turn into the best Therapist ever, but I believe in myself and know that I have something to offer to other victims. I know that I can help them to find their way through the guilt and feelings of worthlessness, to come out the other side, no longer a victim. And I can't wait.