Tuesday 8 October 2013

Lost in Translation

Having lived most of my life in a country where people spoke different languages, I've always accepted without question that sometimes it is necessary to explain words in different contexts to those whose first language is not English.  However, until I came to the 'Stan, it never occurred to me that I would encounter difficulties with those who also speak English, but who come from another English speaking country.

We work in a challenging environment out here.  The job that I do is not, in itself, particularly challenging, but sometimes the requests and/or comments I receive from customers leave me absolutely speechless or in fits of giggles.  For example, today a lovely customer asked me what was in our Freshly Squeezed Orange juice...  To be clear here, the gentleman was actually standing at the counter, watching one of the staff making the orange juice as he asked the question.  I know it was wrong, but I told him 'Apples'!!  And he didn't bat an eyelid.  Me, I had to rush to the office and hide for a few minutes whilst I regained my composure.

Yesterday, it was a question on a whole different level.  A gentleman came up to me as I counted stock, with one of the pillows that we sell.  The pillows have been vacuum packed and expand to their proper size once the seal is broken.  This fellow however, had obviously not come across this method of storage before and asked if we sold the pumps for the pillows.  I really must be quite evil, as I told him that we didn't have them in stock, but they had one at the QM's department on a neighbouring camp.  He thanked me and proceeded to the till where he happily purchased his vacuum packed pillow.  I would so love to have been in the QM's when he asked to borrow the pump!!

And then there was the lovely gentlemen who came to us complaining that our internet was not working.  Being part of the welfare package out here, one of the services we provide is half an hour's free wifi internet for every purchase.  Said gentleman had been trying to connect to the wifi, but failed.  To try and get to the root of the problem, I asked him if there was any message coming up when he tried to sign in.  He checked, came back to the counter and his exact words were 'It's saying connection failed due to sun spot activity.  Can you help?'.  My acting experience came in very handy as I kept a straight face and replied 'Just hold on a second.  I will nip out the back to my rocket and try and sort it out for you'.  And he very politely answered 'Thank you Maam' and returned to his table.  I really didn't know whether to laugh, cry or just carry on as though nothing had happened.  My colleague on the other hand proceeded rapidly to the office to hide.

I could go on listing some of the most amazing questions we have been asked.  The part that never ceases to amaze me though is the fact that most of them come from people who grew up in an English speaking country.  I would never complain though - it certainly brightens up our day.

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